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Holiday World Introduces "Pick Your Price," A New Tiered Admission Pricing System

Holiday World (Santa Claus, Indiana) revealed on its official podcast earlier today that it will be unveiling a new tiered pricing system Monday morning on its website. This new feature, which Holiday World is calling "Pick Your Price," is a tiered admission pricing system that will allow online purchasers to save money compared to the normal front gate and basic online admission costs depending on what day(s) they visit the park. Similar systems have been implemented at several other parks, such as the four theme parks that make up Walt Disney World.

The most surprising thing about this announcement is that Holiday World is not as popular as parks such as those in Florida owned by Disney, which pulled in between 10.8 and 20.4 million guests in 2015, while Holiday World usually has an attendance just above one million. Although the park is small, Holiday World has really stepped up its game in recent years, adding a B&M Wing Coaster, Thunderbird, in 2015, the first major steel coaster at the park. Holiday World also built the longest water coaster on Earth, Mammoth, in 2012.

Tiered pricing systems can have many pros, but also many cons. The best part about this tiered pricing system is the ability for guests visiting during the off-season to be rewarded by having to spend less cash on admission. The hefty con with this is that instead of Holiday World having many very slow days during the off-season, Pick Your Price can potentially make these days in the park more popular by attracting guests who would normally visit any day because they would be paying the same price no matter when they visited, but now can save money by visiting when prices are lower.

I honestly think that pick your price really won't affect Holiday World's slow days all that much as the park is not extremely popular. Though the new system will probably increase off-season attendance, it is nice that the park is offering cheaper admission prices, as its base admission price online (just shy of $50) is very steep for the amount of attractions it has. Holiday World is a very ambitious park for its size, and I hope it continues to be so in the future.

You can listen to the podcast in which the park revealed Pick Your Price below. Press play and the video will automatically start at the point in the podcast in which Pick Your Price is discussed.


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Holiday World & Splashin' Safari logo courtesy of Holiday World & Splashin' Safari.

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