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New Photo of the First RMC Mean Streak Inversion

A new photo has been posted to Facebook by CP Rundown of that famous inversion in the new Mean Streak layout that we saw first last week. In my original post where I had a photo of this inversion (see that article here), I guessed that the inversion would be a zero-g roll. I was partially correct, as this inversion is an inclined zero-g roll. This may be something you aren't familiar with, as this element is uncommon. It is a zero-g roll that rather than completely inverting riders at the apex (highest point) of the inversion (ex: Raptor at Cedar Point), riders are completely inverted while at an incline, and the inversion finishes like an airtime hill, flattening out from an incline rather than a decline like typical zero-g rolls. This inclined zero-g roll is for sure going to pull some serious lateral gravitational forces, something that the firm converting wooden coaster Mean Streak at Cedar Point to a hybrid coaster, Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC), is known for.


The Roller Coaster Daily Blog is the number one place for coverage of Mean Streak's RMC conversion. You can see every blog post covering RMC Mean Streak here.

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Stay tuned to the Roller Coaster Daily Blog for more information about the Mean Streak RMC conversion by following us on Instagram (@rollercoasterdaily) and Facebook (Roller Coaster Daily), and following Chief Editor Caleb Keithley on Twitter (@calebkeithley). You can instantly follow these accounts by going to the social media logos at the top of the page.


The photo in this article is courtesy of CP Rundown on

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